

The Place and The Planet: Art and Ecology

April 28, 2023

English-language seminar with Olga Smith, University of Newcastle.
The meeting, in collaboration with THE NEW INSTITUTE Center for Environmental Humanities (NICHE) of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, focuses on the articulations of nature, ecology and environment in visual art. The course will be structured around the tropes of ‘the place’ and ‘the planet,’ and the different commitments they entail. If ‘the place’ is singular, local and often nationally defined, then ‘the planetary’ urges us to reconsider
‘the place’ as a part of the interconnected global ecosystem. We will map the developments in artistic practices onto major paradigm shifts within the arts and sciences, caused by the emergence of the terms such as the Anthropocene.

The seminar will be held in English.
Free admission.

Comunicazione di servizio

Giovedì 15 agosto – Ferragosto
La Fondazione Querini Stampalia è visitabile secondo il consueto orario (ore 10-18). Ultimo ingresso, ore 17.30.

Chiusa al pubblico la Biblioteca.

Service communication

Thursday, 15th August 

The Fondazione Querini Stampalia can be visited according to the usual opening hours (10am-6pm). Last entrance, 5.30 pm.

The Library is closed.